Stephanie Land: The Fourth Estate

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Fourth Estate

Here's the best story I've read in the Jordan Times to date. Not written by me unfortunately, but by Hugh Naylor, an American colleague who's freelancing at the paper. It's about the freedom of press situation in Jordan, which leaves a lot to be desired. I was shocked and amazed and full of admiration that Hugh and Paul (one of our really great editors) managed to get it past the censor - you heard me! - and into the paper.

And while we're talking about stories...I wasn't happy about the edit of my Walking Man story, but that's the name of the game, I guess. Jacq is the epitome of the naive Westerner. He wanted to meet the king to discuss the good and bad things he saw in Jordan (good: friendliness of the people, bad: pollution along roadways). I included it in the story, even though there was no way he was going to meet King Abdullah. An editor cut it, because "the king reads the paper." Also, I wanted the story to walk off with "and so, the walking man will walk on," my own personal homage to James Taylor. No such luck.


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